DA-SPEC-190 8-0-2 Dimensionair Air Gauge


Category: SKU: M-DA-SPEC-190-W6 Brand:




Model# DA-SP-190-W6, DIMENSIONAIR, DA-SPEC-190, 8-0-2 dial, Pump Barrel Air Gauge

(for use with 30 ft. hydraulic hose)


Dimensionair Air Gages
Mahr Federal’s Dimensionair Air Gages are unique among dimensional air gages.

Basically a differential air pressure type, they are the only instruments that give you the advantages of fixed magnification

and a balanced air system. A linear, precisely calibrated scale provides graduations of definite, known values.

Greater tooling clearance for increased wear life, setting to “Zero” with only a single master with no other masters

required, and immunity to normal air pressure fluctuations are additional advantages of the exclusive Dimensionair system.

With the Mahr Federal differential system the accuracy is built into the tooling and the display.