Dyer – 652 Series, Electronic Long Reach Groove Gauge


Category: SKU: Dyer-652 Brand:


Dyer Company
652 Series, Electronic Long Reach Groove Gauge

Fast, accurate, repeatable
SPC output for USB or Mitutoyo devices.  Cables offered separately.
Absolute and Relative modes with Min, Max and Hold programs
Tolerance limit markers with Green/Red LED for visual operator judgement.
Internal memory that holds a maximum of 80 measured values.
Programmable auto shut off for battery savings
IP 67. Gages are shop rugged
Analog Segment (fan) display
Keypad Lock
Wiresless data option. 

Eliminating Operator Error

A look at the operation of a non-tipping gage will show the instrument’s advantages.

The gaging process is quick and easy.

The operator inserts the gage and takes a reading without having to do any rocking or aligning.

Operator influence is a problem of the past.

Superior Design and Construction

Here are real reasons Dyer’s bore gages are the industry’s best performers.

  • Linearity ≤ ± 0.000040″ (± 0.001 mm) a simple direct transfer of the contact point movement to the measurement indicator.
  • This results in the best linear accuracy.
  • Repeatability ≤ ± 0.000010″ (≤ ± 0.00025 mm)
  • All-Electronic® – Dyer’s All-Electronic® Systems are 50% more accurate and repeatable than the above accuracies.
  • Automatic Centering – The correct self-centering base for each measuring range assures axial and radial alignment in each bore every time it measures.
  • Gage Stability Heat Stabilization – The handles (measuring transfer shafts) of all Dyer precision bore gages are made from Invar steel, a special alloyed steel that resists temperature change.
  • This eliminates errors due to circulating temperatures.
  • Sealed Construction insures performance even under damp or oily conditions.
  • Gage R & R – Dyer guarantees a ≤10% Gage R & R capability on all our bore gages.
  • We need to know your gaging application.


Contact us with your requirement

As a manufacturer and supplier of unique hand and table top gages, we guarantee a ≤10% gage R & R capability.

We offer quick delivery, 1-5 days for standard, special and custom design gages.