ET-7003, External Taper Gage, 1 travel


Category: SKU: GM-ET-7003 Brand:



ET-7003, External Taper Gage, 1″ travel

 0″ – 10″, External Taper, with 1″ travel dial indicator

Thread Taper is the change in pitch diameter over the length of a connection, typically designated in inches per foot.

For all API related connections, measuring thread taper is not only an industry wide practice; it is an mandated inspection.

During the manufacturing process in any industry, taper must be accurately measured and quantified to avoid mismatched tapers.

When subjected to a service load, taper error on threaded connections can lead to galling, improper fit, improper thread engagement, and reduced performance.

For the most accurate taper inspection, use Gagemaker taper gages to verify both the threaded pin and coupling meet all customer and industry requirements.

Our taper gages are the best choice for measuring and controlling taper values.

When connections are properly manufactured utilizing Gagemakers JSS™ precision taper gages, product performance is maximized.

External Taper


Gagemaker’s external taper gages inspect variation in connection taper. External taper gages are shipped with .072″ diameter contact points as standard.

Select the proper contact point for your particular connection.

All indicators are .001″ resolution, but higher resolution indicators are available for some models.

Long Form Calibration Report at extra charge from Houston Precision, Inc. at a 50% discount with new purchase.

Warranty:  One Year from the date of purchase