Gagemaker – PD-3003 Pit Depth Gauge, AGD#1, 0-100


Category: SKU: GM-PD-3003 Brand:


PD-3003 Pit Depth Gauge, AGD#1, 0-100 reading

The PD-3000 Series of gages inspects the depth of surface pitting.

Each model of the PD-3000 gage includes the gage base, an indicator with .001″ resolution, and a standard TPD .375″ long contact point with a .020″ end radius.

This sharp point contact is capable of reaching deep into surface pits and cracks.

The gage can measure depths up to .450″ deep with the standard TPD contact point.

Before measurement, it is important to zero the gage indicator while resting the gage on a flat surface.

Placing the gage´s contact point into the defect provides an actual measurement reading of the surface pitting.

The PD-3000 gage is supplied with a .001″ resolution indicator.

The gage also accepts other types and sizes of contact points for use in other applications, such as groove and thread depth inspection.


  • Inspects pit depths of surface pitting.
  • Uses a .020″ radius contact point for measuring surface defects.
  • Measures depths up to .450″ deep.
  • Supplied with a .001″ resolution indicator.
  • Requires zeroing on a flat surface before inspection.
  • Accepts other types and sizes of contact points for inspecting groove and thread depths.

Select the PD-3000 gage model based on the type of indicator required.

 Range  Base  Description  Model
 .250″ (6.35 mm)  Standard  Pit Depth Gage, AGD #1, 0-100  PD-3003
 .450″ (11.43 mm)  Standard  Pit Depth Gage, AGD #2, 0-100  PD-3004
 .450″ (11.43 mm)  Flat Base  Pit Depth Gage, AGD #2, 0-100  PD-3005
 .450″(11.43 mm)  6″ Long Flat Base  Pit Depth Gage, AGD #2, 0-100  PD-3006
 .450″(11.43 mm)  6″ Long V Base  Pit Depth Gage, AGD #2, 0-100  PD-3007


Warranty:  One Year from the date of purchase.

Long Form Calibration Report at extra charge from Houston Precision, Inc. at a 50% discount with new purchase.