Mahr – Millimar 1901 TA Amplifier w/Analog Output


Category: SKU: SKU 1416 Brand:


Mahr Federal
Millimar 1901 TA Amplifier w/Analog Output

  • Output voltage: ± 10 V (optional: ± 5 V / 0 V to 10 V) at end of measuring range. Output voltage can be set using jumpers.
  • There is also an output signal available in the form of a current of ± 5 mA at the end of the measuring range
  • Supply voltage 24 V, DC
  • The housing of the 1901 TA is designed to fit inside the machine room
  • Connection – One input for Mahr-compatible inductive probes

Technical data

Order no. Product type Display Measuring range, inductive probe Probe inputs Compatibility Features Response time analog output Data transmission rate Error limit, analog output Analogue output Energy supply IP protection category
1901 TA
No display, amplifier with analog output
± 125 / ± 250 / ± 500 / ± 1000 / ± 2000
0.01 s
90 Hz
+/- 0,3 %
  • 1 output voltage: at end of range +/- 10 V, Option: +/- 5 V / 0-10 V
  • 1 current output: at end of range +/- 5mA
24 V =
IP 54