Mitutoyo – KA-200 Counter Series 174 DRO



Mitutoyo America
KA-200 Counter Series 174 Digital Readout

Series 174
  • High performance, low cost 2 & 3 axis counter
  • Absolute and incremental modes (10 presets each)
  • Non-linear and linear error compensation
  • Adjustable high-brightness, high-refresh rate LED displays
  • Calculator function
  • Outputs data into spreadsheets (optional USB card)


Standard Accessories
Power cable
Ground lead
Dust cover
Alternate button labels for lathe mode
Connector cap (Dsub-15)
User’s manual
Warranty card

Optional Accessories
06AET993: Code out unit – USB output, RS232C output, Digimatic Input
06ACB393: Adapter for Linear gages with origin
06ACB913: Adapter for Linear gages without origin
06ACB391: Adapter for AT211 Linear Scales
06ACB392: Adapter for ST Series
09CAB231: Adapter for micrometer head
09AAA207: Adapter for previous model 6 pin linear scales
937179T: Foot switch to trigger USB output (06AET993 needed)
64AAB336: Foot switch to trigger RS-232C output (06AET993 needed)
06ACF941: Extension cable for remote load & zero (06AET993 needed)
965004: Foot switch to trigger RS-232C output (for 06ACF941 only)
937328: External load box (06AET993 & 06ACF941 needed)
936553: External zero box (06AET993 & 06ACF941 needed)
09EAA094: Counter cable RS232C for DP-1VR
64AAB519: RS232C output cable 6-ft. (25-9 pin)

Parts Break Down


Order No 174-183A 174-185A
Model 2-axis KA-212 3-axis KA-213 Counter
Scale input ports 2 or 3 2 or 3
Resolution (Changeable according to the parameter)
When AT100 series is connected: 0.05 to 0.0001mm*2
WhenAT715 is connnected: 0.01 to 0.001mm
(Changeable according to the parameter)
When AT100 series is connected: 0.05 to 0.0001mm*2
WhenAT715 is connnected: 0.01 to 0.001mm
Display type / digit 7-segment, 8-digit + sign + 8-character alphabet LED display, 14.2mm character height 7-segment, 8-digit + sign + 8-character alphabet LED display, 14.2mm character height
Output (optional) RS-232C RS-232C
Macro functions Rectangular drilling and round milling newly added Rectangular drilling and round milling newly added
Main features Feed speed display; taper machining function; tool data; multipoint compensation; scale check function; calculation function Feed speed display; taper machining function; tool data; multipoint compensation; scale check function; calculation function
Dimensions Size (W×D×H) 30×168×70mm Size (W×D×H) 30×168×70mm