Mitutoyo – KLD Counter Series 174-Special Purpose



Mitutoyo America
KLD Counter Series 174-Special Purpose Type with Limit Signal Output

Series 174
  • Counter designed to signal when a linear scale displacement value and a preset limit value coincide.
  • Two types of limit settings are available:2-step (KLD-212) and 4-step (KLD-214).

    Optional Accessories

    • External zero-set box (1 axis): No.936551
    • External load box (1 axis, for the RS-232C output):No.937326

*1: Count range when the minimum reading is 0.001mm: 99999.999 to –9999.999
      Count range when the minimum reading is 0.005mm: 99999.995 to –9999.995

Order No 174-146A 174-147A
Model KLD-212 KLD-214
Number of axes to be displayed 1 axis 1 axis
Number of limit values to be set 2 4
Resolution (Changeable according to the parameter)
When AT100 series is connected: 0.05 to 0.0001mm
When AT715 is connected: 0.01 to 0.001mm
(Changeable according to the parameter)
When AT100 series is connected: 0.05 to 0.0001mm
When AT715 is connected: 0.01 to 0.001mm
Output RS-232C (provided as standard) RS-232C (provided as standard)
Display 7-segment LCD/ 7 digit*1 7-segment LCD/ 7 digit*1
Power supply voltage 120V AC, 60Hz 120V AC, 60Hz
Power consumption 25 VA 25 VA
Operating temp/humidity range 0 to 45°C/ 20 to 80% 0 to 45°C/ 20 to 80%
Dimensions 332 (W)×163 (D)×204 (H) mm 332 (W)×163 (D)×204 (H) mm
Mass 3.0kg 3.1kg