Mitutoyo America
MeasurLink Quality Management Software
The MeasurLink® Quality Management Software is a full partner for your Manufacturing Process Control System. MeasurLink® combines Real Time on-line data collection; with Real Time SPC charts and Analysis for operators; with Real Time Quality Control / Supervisor Reports and Alerts, for your entire manufacturing system. MeasurLink is designed for integrated networks to create a quality information sharing system which includes a comprehensive metrology solution for your company.
Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a tool for monitoring and controlling manufacturing processes. Dr. W. Edwards Deming claimed that the majority of variation in a process is due to operator over-adjustment. SPC gives operators a tool to determine when a statistically significant change has taken place in the process or when a seemingly significant change is just due to chance causes.
SPC involves:
- Determining the critical process parameters that need to be monitored
- Setting up an initial control chart and confirming that the process is in-control
- Collecting and plotting future data on the chart and interpreting the chart to determine if the process has gone out-of-control
There are a number of reasons why companies use SPC. Often an internal champion initiates the use of control charts and other SPC techniques to reduce variation and to improve manufacturing processes. Sometimes companies implement SPC to satisfy customer requirements or to meet certification requirements. SPC itself will not make improvements. However, SPC will give the operator a tool to identify when a special cause of variation has entered the process so that the special cause can be eliminated. With this tool, constant adjustment of the process is eliminated. In addition, SPC can be helpful in identifying opportunities for improvement that can lead to reduced variation and processes that are better aimed at their target.

MeasurLink is designed to detect and display patterns and provide additional statistical information. Many patterns can be seen appearing on SPC charts, including:
- Cycles
- Trends
- Freaks
- Mixtures
- Grouping or “bunching” of measurements
- Gradual change in level
- Sudden shift in level
- Instability (abnormally large fluctuations)
- Stratification (abnormally small fluctuations)
- Interactions (two or more variables acting together)
- Systematic variation
Version 8.2 includes numerous functional and performance enhancements. Report Scheduler is a new MeasurLink module that enables unattended execution of MeasurLink reports or Crystal Reports. Some other highlighted new functions in version 8.2 include the integration of forced or optional gage tracking between Gage Management and Real-Time to ensure that the gages are in calibration when measuring process data; the inclusion of customizable information fields at the part, routine and characteristic level; the ability to save MeasurLink reports to PDF.
MeasurLink® collects data directly from the following Mitutoyo products:
- Digital gaging
- Multi-gage fixtures
- Coordinate Measuring Machines
- Vision systems
- Surface systems
- Roundness systems
- Form systems
* Interface to third party equipment also available.
Mitutoyo Corporation is the world’s largest provider of measurement and inspection solutions offering the most complete selection of machines, sensors, systems and services with a line encompassing CMMs (Coordinate Measuring Machines), vision, form and finish measuring machines as well as precision tools and instruments, and metrology data management software. Mitutoyo’s nationwide network of Metrology Centers and support operations provides application, calibration, service, repair and educational programs to ensure that our 6,000+ metrology products will deliver measurement solutions for our customers throughout their lifetime.